Insecure is an American comedy-drama television series based partially on Issa Rae 's acclaimed web series Awkward Black Girl . It was created by Rae and Larry Wilmore , and premiered online on September 23, 2016, via HBO Now and HBO Go , before airing weekly on HBO from October 9, 2016. On November 14, 2016, HBO renewed the show for a second season which premiered on July 23, 2017. On August 8, 2017, HBO renewed the show for a third season, which premiered on August 12, 2018. On September 6, 2018, HBO renewed the series for a fourth season. Since its release, the series has gone on to receive critical acclaim. In 2017, the American Film Institute selected it as one of the top 10 Television Programs of the Year . For her performance in Insecure , Rae has earned two Golden Globe Award nominations for Best Actress – Television Series Musical o...