Dynasty is an American prime time television soap opera that aired on ABC from January 12, 1981 to May 11, 1989. The series, created by Richard and Esther Shapiro and produced by Aaron Spelling , revolved around the Carringtons , a wealthy family residing in Denver, Colorado .The series was ABC's competitor to CBS 's prime time series Dallas , and starred John Forsythe as oil magnate Blake Carrington , Linda Evans as his new wife Krystle and later Joan Collins as his former wife Alexis . Ratings for the show's first season were unimpressive, but a revamp for the second season that included the arrival of Collins as scheming Alexis saw ratings enter the top 20.By the fall of 1982, it was a top 10 show, and by the spring of 1985, it was the #1 show in the United States.Other notable cast members included Pamela Sue Martin , Lloyd ...